
Want to interact with the WSC community? Here are a few ways to do so!

This is the official discord server of Pocketpwaa.

Other Community Platforms:

Pwaasources - A large study guide with many resources and community members. The largest current guide. (Discord:

Pwaaparation - Another currently operating resource guide.

Avan's Alpacas Resources - A retired website, the inspiration for Pocketpwaa. Having useful event guides. (Discord:

XBS Pwaa - A very cultured discord server, the craziest of the platforms of WSC.

Pwoach Coaching - A Discord server dedicated for free tutoring of scholars.

Do you need Teammates?

Check out the WSC teammates slideshow board in the link below! This is meant to aid Scholars for finding teammates for the Global and ToC rounds. To add your name to the board to request teammates, you can fill out this google form.